
academic data 52

Ad Age 124

Adams, Douglas 117

adjectives 756

Against Cataline 144

Amanpour, Christiane 146

Amazon 14

analysis of variance (ANOVA) 54

analyst reports 50

Anderson, Chris 146

Apple 7

Aristotle 9, 16, 113

Art of Public Speaking, The 67, 74

asking the right questions 478

Atlas of Emotions 70

audience, knowing the 11315, 121

Automated Readability Index 34

AVIVA 98101, 113

Baker, Tom 83

BBC 45, 86, 143, 147

Benn, Tony 83

Bergstrom, Carl T. 145, 146

Bernbach, Bill 148

Bieber, Justin 68

Big Data: asking the right questions about 478; avoiding false positives in 4855; avoiding too much 223; Boolean language for managing 44; easyJet use of 1820; intimidation with bigness of 434; rise of 68, 15; sources 4952; starting with ...

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