
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” and “t” refer to figures and tables, respectively.


Ancillary services (ASs), 75, 75–76, 117
Ant colony optimization (ACO) technique, 51–53
flowchart of, 52f
Anticipatory transmission planning, 179
Antigen population, 61
ARIMA model, 91, 91, 123, 133–140, 150–156
Artificial bee colony (ABC) technique, 53, 59–61
Artificial immune system (AIS) algorithm, 61–62
Artificial intelligence, 75–76
Artificial neural networks (ANNs), 160
-based models, 161t
ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning engineers) model, 240
Autonomous energy system, 279
Autoregressive model (AR) model, 168–169, 292–293
Average cost, 186
Average customer curtailment index (ACCI), 248
Average energy not supplied ...

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