
Note: Pages numbers in italics are for tables.

Abbott, T. 68

Acer 200

acquisitions and mergers 125, 142

Adams, N. 184

adaptation 3637, 38

adhesive technology 25

administrative structure 210

Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), US 248249

aesthetic exaptation events 3738

agency costs 14

agency theory 2

agglomeration 236, 243, 244, 250; regional 231233

agri-business 153154

AIV 172176

Akron, Ohio 238

Albunia, A. 71, 72

Alcatel-Lucent 99, 272

Alexander, R.C. 209

ALFA microelectronics 36

alliances 7577, 125126

Amadeus 268, 272

ambidexterity practices 207

American Mobile Satellite Corporation (AMSC) 93, 95, 96

analogical reasoning 34

Andadari, R.K. 242

Andersson, T. 250

Anterior Technology 92

antidilution clauses 89

AOL 97

Apple ...

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