

6to4, OS X–supported virtual network services, 614

32-bit mode

opening apps in, 568570

resource troubleshooting, 563564

support for 32-bit and 64-bit modes simultaneously, 542543

64-bit mode

resource troubleshooting, 563564

support for 32-bit and 64-bit modes simultaneously, 542543


automatic configuration options, 630631

WPA enterprise configuration, 598599


About This Mac window

information in, 5759

repair and warranty options, 8587

Accept & Open button, AirDrop, 766

Accept button, AirDrop, 766

access control

limiting shared printer, 825

OS X Recovery, 136

permissions, 327

process security restricting, 462463

remote, 759

troubleshooting shared services, 774775

access control entries (ACEs)

for Drop Box folder, ...

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