Book description
This book introduces fundamental concepts and theories in pervasive computing as well as its key technologies and applications. It explains how to design and implement pervasive middleware and real application systems, covering nearly all aspects related to pervasive computing. Key technologies in the book include pervasive computing-oriented resource management and task migration, mobile pervasive transaction, human computer interface, and context collection-oriented wireless sensor networks.
Table of contents
- Cover
- Half Title
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Table of Contents
- Preface
- About the Authors
- 1 Pervasive Computing Concepts
- 2 The Structure and Elements of Pervasive Computing Systems
- 3 Context Collection, User Tracking, and Context Reasoning
4 Resource Management in Pervasive Computing
- 4.1 Efficient Resource Allocation in Pervasive Environments
- 4.2 Transparent Task Migration
- Further Readings
- References
5 Human–Computer Interface in Pervasive Environments
- 5.1 Overview
- 5.2 HCI Service and Interaction Migration
- 5.3 Context-Driven HCI Service Selection
- 5.4 Scenario Study: Video Calls at a Smart Office
- 5.5 A Web Service–Based HCI Migration Framework
- 5.6 Summary
- 5.7 Appendices
- Further Readings
- References
- 6 Pervasive Mobile Transactions
7 User Preferences and Recommendations
- 7.1 Content-Based Recommendation in an RSS Reader
- 7.2 A Collaborative Filtering-Based Recommendation
- 7.3 Preference-Based Top-K Recommendation in Social Networks
- Further Readings
- References
- 8 Case Studies
- Index
Product information
- Title: Pervasive Computing
- Author(s):
- Release date: August 2016
- Publisher(s): CRC Press
- ISBN: 9781315356457
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