Part III. Restoration—Rescuing Damaged Photos

The first two parts of ihis book explain the nuts and bolts behind a number of Photoshop CS3's tools and techniques. Now it's lime to put those nuts and bolts into context by showing how to use them to solve real-world problems.

Photoshop and digital imaging have completely changed the way photo restoration is done. The process used to be cumbersome and the results were often as questionable as they were expensive. Today, just about anyone can buy a scanner and learn to bring old photos back to life, preserving and sharing them with future generations.

In Part III I take you through the things you need to know to stari restoring your own old photos. I begin by showing you how to work with a scanner to turn your old photos into digital Piles. Then I take you through a two-stage process: making repairs and then prepanng files for final presentation. You'll have a chance to put it all together in the last chapter of this part as we go through a hands-on restoration project together.

Please take the time to read this section even if you don't plan to do any photo restoration right now. The ideas discussed here not only build on the material we've already covered; they serve as building blocks for tips and techniques I share in Part IV.

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