Appendix BCommonly Used R Commands

B.1 How to Run R Commands

There are several ways to run R commands:

  • Type a command in the R Studio console window (after the prompt symbol >), and press Enter.
  • Run codes in an R script file.R in the R Studio source window (where you can read, create, and edit R scripts) once the file is open. This is recommended for readers to run the R scripts in each chapter. By clicking the Run button (located above the R script file, at the top right of the editing window), R will execute the current line (where the cursor is). You can also select (highlight) multiple lines in an R script file and click Run to execute them all at once.

B.2 General Commands

Note that the > symbol at the beginning of each R command in the R Studio console window is a prompt generated by R.

  • Get R help files for a function

    Type “?” followed by a command name, for example:

     > ?library > ?matrix 
  • Set the working directory

    By setting the working directory in R using command setwd, files can be read from or written to this default location, for example

     > setwd("C:/Bayesian") 
  • Check the current working directory
     > getwd() 
  • Install R packages
     > install.packages("mcmcplots") 
  • Load packages
     > library(rjags) 

B.3 Generate Data

  • Assign a value to a variable

    There are two ways to assign a value to a variable in R:

     > x <- 3 


     > x = 3 

    Both of these commands assign the value 3 to the variable x. When you type x, its value will be shown.

     > x [1] 3 
  • Concatenate (combine) function
     > c(1,3,5) ...

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