Chapter 5. Leveraging ECMAScript Collections

JavaScript data structures are flexible enough that we’re able to turn any object into a hash-map, where we map string keys to arbitrary values. For example, one might use an object to map npm package names to their metadata, as shown next.

const registry = {}
function set(name, meta) {
  registry[name] = meta
function get(name) {
  return registry[name]
set('contra', { description: 'Asynchronous flow control' })
set('dragula', { description: 'Drag and drop' })
set('woofmark', { description: 'Markdown and WYSIWYG editor' })

There are several problems with this approach, outlined here:

  • Security issues where user-provided keys like __proto__, toString, or anything in Object.prototype break expectations and make interaction with this kind of hash-map data structures more cumbersome

  • When iterating using we need to rely on Object#hasOwnProperty to make sure properties aren’t inherited

  • Iteration over list items with Object.keys(registry).forEach is also verbose

  • Keys are limited to strings, making it hard to create hash-maps where you’d like to index values by DOM elements or other nonstring references

The first problem could be fixed using a prefix, and being careful to always get or set values in the hash-map through functions that add those prefixes, to avoid mistakes.

const registry = {}
function set(name, meta) {
  registry['pkg:' + name] = meta
function get(name) {
  return registry['pkg:' + name]

An alternative could ...

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