Kaiser Permanente, 79
Kalanick, Travis, 334
Kane, Kate, 509n53
Kanter, James, 582n15
Kanter, Rosabeth Moss, 596n27
Kaplan, David, 39n1
Kapner, Suzanne, 284n1
Kash, Wyatt, 178n17
Kastrenakes, Jacob, 100n2
Katz, Roger, 492n9
Kawasaki, 132
Kaye, Leon, 588n20
Kazakina, Katya, 268n20
KB Toys, 381
Kearl, Jeff, 199
Kearney, Steven, 195
Keating, Caitlin, 496n22
Keebler, 67
Keler, Kevin Lane, 458n2
Kelleher, Colleen, 345n13
Kelleher, Herb, 12
Kelleher, Kevin, 284n1
Keller, Kevin Lane, 5n3, 6n5, 48n9, 55n13, 145n23, 167n5, 168n7, 198n15, 211n31, 240n27, 241n29, 272n25, 530n14
Kellogg brands, ...
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