+ (addition), 30
* (asterisk) operator, 157
.bmp (Bitmap) image files, 244
+ (concatenation operator), 101–102
/ (division), 30
== (equality operator), 77
> (greater than), 79
>= (greater than or equal to), 79
# (hash mark), for comments, 33
!= (inequality operator), 78
< (less than), 79
<= (less than or equal to), 79
% (modulo operator), 120–121
* (multiplication), 30
\n (newline), 26
! (not), 78
+= operator, 119
.py file extension, 20
[] (square brackets), 38
- (subtraction), 30
\t (tab), 26
addition (+), 30, 203–205
Alien Invasion project. See also Pygame
Alien class, 267
building fleet of, 269–275
changing directions, 278
checking edges, 278
creating, 266
creating rows of, 270
drawing to the ...
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