Abstraction layer, operating system, 421–442
FreeRTOS implementation, 430–436
multiplatform application, 436–440
object oriented interface, 423–436
Accessing I/O registers, 12–15
Acquiring images from camera device, 28–42
synchronous read from camera device, 29–34
Active to passive wait, 121–125
ADC. See Analog-to-digital converter
Address resolution protocol, 223
Adeos, Linux real-time extensions, 412–414
Adeos pipeline, Xenomai domains, 414
Aliasing phenomena, 478
Analog low-pass filter, 471, 479
Analog-to-digital converter, 89
Aperiodic tasks, response time, schedulability analysis, 324–330
API. See Application programming interface
Application programming ...
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