Abbey Road 68
A/B: technique 72, 76, 177
AB pair 71, 73, 245
acoustics of concert halls 61–2
adding reverberation 215–16
AEA 41
AKG 41
American Federation of Musicians 136
amplitude 8, 10, 41, 75, 122
Arthur Haddy 72
artificial reverberation 9, 13, 208, 215–18, 242–3
automated mixing 208, 213
background noise 16, 66, 154, 158, 225–6, 237
backup recorder 147, 158
balance 9
balcony 65–6
Baldwin 189
bass clarinet 52, 96–7
bassoon 52, 93–4, 96
Beethoven 12, 48, 55, 172
Beyer Dynamic 41
bi-directional: microphone 29, 35, 97, 111, 128
Blumlein: technique 35–6
Blu-Ray disc 231
Bösendorfer 189
brass 53–6, 93–102, 202, 213–14
brass section 53, 91, 97–100, 165, 202
Braunmühl and Weber 31
breadcrumbs 81, 206–7
Brüel & Kjaer 41
Bud Graham