Robot Magic

Book description

Learn robotics through magic, or enhance your magic with robotics! This book is a beginner's guide to creating robotics-infused magic. You'll be introduced to simple DIY electronics and Arduino programming, and you will learn how to use those tools to create a treasure trove of magic bots and effects, with readily-sourced materials and everyday objects. It's magic through the lens of the Maker Movement, with a dedication to accessibility -- cardboard meets Arduino meets magic! All ages, backgrounds, and abilities will find clever, fun projects within these pages that challenge their creativity and explode their imagination.

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Table of contents

  1. Foreword
  2. Contents
  3. Introduction (1/2)
  4. Introduction (2/2)
  5. #1 The Tools to Elevate What You Create (1/3)
  6. #1 The Tools to Elevate What You Create (2/3)
  7. #1 The Tools to Elevate What You Create (3/3)
  8. #2 Getting Started with Arduino (1/3)
  9. #2 Getting Started with Arduino (2/3)
  10. #2 Getting Started with Arduino (3/3)
  11. #3 Make a Motor Move (1/2)
  12. #3 Make a Motor Move (2/2)
  13. #4 Getting Started with 3D Deisgn and 3D Printing (1/2)
  14. #4 Getting Started with 3D Deisgn and 3D Printing (2/2)
  15. #5 Spring Snake with Brains (1/4)
  16. #5 Spring Snake with Brains (2/4)
  17. #5 Spring Snake with Brains (3/4)
  18. #5 Spring Snake with Brains (4/4)
  19. #6 Balloon Car Card Trick (1/3)
  20. #6 Balloon Car Card Trick (2/3)
  21. #6 Balloon Car Card Trick (3/3)
  22. #7 Cuber Goober (1/6)
  23. #7 Cuber Goober (2/6)
  24. #7 Cuber Goober (3/6)
  25. #7 Cuber Goober (4/6)
  26. #7 Cuber Goober (5/6)
  27. #7 Cuber Goober (6/6)
  28. #8 Clown Nose Emoji Bot (1/6)
  29. #8 Clown Nose Emoji Bot (2/6)
  30. #8 Clown Nose Emoji Bot (3/6)
  31. #8 Clown Nose Emoji Bot (4/6)
  32. #8 Clown Nose Emoji Bot (5/6)
  33. #8 Clown Nose Emoji Bot (6/6)
  34. #9 Ray Gun Control Station (1/7)
  35. #9 Ray Gun Control Station (2/7)
  36. #9 Ray Gun Control Station (3/7)
  37. #9 Ray Gun Control Station (4/7)
  38. #9 Ray Gun Control Station (5/7)
  39. #9 Ray Gun Control Station (6/7)
  40. #9 Ray Gun Control Station (7/7)
  41. #10 Chomper Bot (1/6)
  42. #10 Chomper Bot (2/6)
  43. #10 Chomper Bot (3/6)
  44. #10 Chomper Bot (4/6)
  45. #10 Chomper Bot (5/6)
  46. #10 Chomper Bot (6/6)
  47. #11 Pepper's Ghost in a Cereal Box (1/5)
  48. #11 Pepper's Ghost in a Cereal Box (2/5)
  49. #11 Pepper's Ghost in a Cereal Box (3/5)
  50. #11 Pepper's Ghost in a Cereal Box (4/5)
  51. #11 Pepper's Ghost in a Cereal Box (5/5)
  52. About the Author

Product information

  • Title: Robot Magic
  • Author(s): Mario Marchese
  • Release date: September 2021
  • Publisher(s): Make: Community
  • ISBN: 9781680457124