Chapter 6
Continuing Your Meeting or Workshop
In This Chapter
Steering the day
Leading discussions at the front of the room
Making sure that you manage process issues
Reviewing your meeting or workshop
You’ve started your session really well and set yourself up for success. What you now need to do is make sure that you keep a constant eye on what’s happening in the room. To do that, you need to keep an eye on the process so that your meeting or workshop stays on track and goes as you planned it.
You do that by paying attention to how you lead your session so that you keep focusing and shaping it as well as you can. Like driving a car, you don’t allow anything to drift. That means being very aware of how the group is reacting to what you are doing and being explicit about the journey you are on.
Even if you’ve done the most detailed preparation and got the group going really well, mishandling the process is the first thing that can let you down. If the process gets lost and people are uncertain about what they are doing and why, then your participants won’t just zone out in the room. ...
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