We offer a variety of maturity tools for consideration in this section. You may modify these tools to suit your purposes, and you may also aggregate them into your own comprehensive assessment framework. The following SOA maturity assessment tools will help you understand where you are along a number of critical SOA dimensions:

  • SOA Adoption Maturity Model (What is your overall SOA adoption progress?)

  • Overall SOA Maturity Model (How evolved is your organization along various SOA maturity dimensions?)

  • SOA Funding and Budgeting Maturity (How mature is your SOA funding process?)

  • SOA Governance Maturity (How mature is your current SOA governance model?)

  • Organizational Structure Diagnostic (How centralized or distributed is your organization, and where is it trending?)

Each of these is discussed below, and again, we offer them as possible tools for your toolkit. Use them only if they help.

4.2.1. SOA Adoption Maturity Model

A very useful tool for you to consider is an SOA adoption maturity model. This tool is used to assess your organization's progress in its overall SOA realization and adoption. Where are you currently? Where would you like to be by when? These maturity models will help define actionable strategic plans and objectives, as well as inform you of what sort of SOA governance steps should be taken. Presented first is an overall SOA adoption model, which quickly identifies where an organization is in its current SOA rollout. Are you just starting? ...

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