
AI. See Artificial intelligence (AI)

Aichmayr, A., 68-–69

Alzbutas, R., 42

Andersén, J., 27

Artificial intelligence (AI), 42, 43

Ausloos, M., 67

Bai, Y., 62

Baker, W.E., 25, 26

Bank lending/small business, 49-–52

Barbosa, S., 17, 18

Barkan, A., 88

Bartolacci, F., 67

Battisti, M., 54

Belas, J., 43

Berger, A.N., 50-–51

Berk, A., 8

Bhasin, H., 68

Blackburn, R.A., 19

Blue ocean strategy, concept of, 75-–79

Blue ocean strategy implementation, 79-–81

Blue oceans, 75

Brunninge, O., 70

Brustbauer, J., 39-–40

Build-it-yourself, 26

Bussmann, K.D., 58

Carland, J.W., 22

Carsten, S., 80

Castellano, N.G., 67

Castro-Martínez, E., 73

Catarino, J., 93

Cerqueiro, G.M., 50-–51

Cerqueti, R., 67

Chadee, D., 94

Chesbrough, H.W., 72

Chou, W.-C., 83

Coetzer, Alan, ...

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