

acknowledging input, 250-251

Apps for Democracy program, 221-223

Arrington, Michael, 107

“As We May Think” (Bush), 316

AsianAvenue, 18

Askildsen, Tormod, 103

asking audience

acknowledging input, 250-251

explained, 245-246

negative feedback, 247-249

positive feedback, 247

for product and service ideas, 249-250

AT&T, 55-57

at-work access to social media sites, 136-137

audience research, 271-272

audiences. See also

communities; consumers

asking for feedback

acknowledging input, 250-251

explained, 245-246

negative feedback, 247-249

positive feedback, 247

product and service ideas, 249-250

audience research, 271-272

collectors, 44

constant complainers, identifying, 71-72

consumption of media, 310-311

creators, 43

critics, 43

explained, 41-43 ...

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