Bronze Challenge

Review the switch statement below. What will be logged to the console? After you have decided, enter the code in a playground to see if you were right.

let point = (x: 1, y: 4)

switch point {
case let q1 where (point.x > 0) && (point.y > 0):
    print("\(q1) is in quadrant 1")

case let q2 where (point.x < 0) && point.y > 0:
    print("\(q2) is in quadrant 2")

case let q3 where (point.x < 0) && point.y < 0:
    print("\(q3) is in quadrant 3")

case let q4 where (point.x > 0) && point.y < 0:
    print("\(q4) is in quadrant 4")

case (_, 0):
    print("\(point) sits on the x-axis")

case (0, _):
    print("\(point) sits on the y-axis")

    print("Case not covered.")

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