

-a option, 243

Abstraction, 102–103

Access Control Lists (ACLs), 471

Accidental complexity, 299–300

Ada, 328

Adams, Scott, 53

Ad-hoc code generation, 225–229

for ascii displays, 225–227

generating HTML code for a tabular list, 227–229

Adhocity trap, 297

ADOS, 65

Advanced shell programming, 325

Aegis, 368–369

AF_INET socket family, 173

Agile programming, 477–478

AIX, 77

Algol, 84, 324

Allen, Paul, 36

AmigaOs, 67

ANSI C, 11

Apache, 9, 48, 49, 108, 131, 172, 175, 336, 426, 440, 446

Applets, 339

Application programming interfaces (APIs), 8, 16, 58, 70, 85, 150, 402

Application protocol, 173

Application protocol design, 123–127

IMAP, 123, 126–127

POP3, 123, 124–126

SMTP, 123, 124

Application protocol metaformats, 127–132

CDDB/ database, ...

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