APPENDIXALogical Data Model Entities and Attributes
This appendix lists the entities and attributes from the models found in Chapters 2 through 9. This listing includes the entity names, attribute names, primary key indicators, foreign key indicators, and the domain for each attribute.
The domain indicates a standard set of characteristics that can be applied to attributes, including its datatype and length. Table A.1 defines the nature of each domain. When applying the domains to the attributes listed in these appendices, refer to Table A.1 for recommendations for what datatype and length to use when implementing these models. Of course, the datatype and length of each attribute should be adjusted as appropriate to meet the specific needs of the enterprise.
The domain definitions as they are applied to the attributes in the appendices are used for the SQL code that is contained on the full-blown CD-ROM (sold separately).
Logical Data Model Entities and Attributes Listing