
As far as authorization is concerned, access to database objects is controlled with what are known as authorities. Operating system accounts or groups are granted authorities and an authority describes what that user or group can or cannot do. Most information on authorities is stored in database tables, but not all; the difference being whether the authority has database- or instance-wide scope. For example, SYSADM is the highest level of administrative authority on DB2 and has instance-wide scope, and the SYSADM_GROUP configuration parameter details the operating system group that is given this authority. For example, this would be the Administrators group on Windows and the db2grp1 group on Linux. The tables, or rather views, that store relevant information about authorities can be found in the SYSCAT schema and typically end with the suffix -AUTH. We'll examine the three most important of these, namely DBAUTH, TABAUTH, and ROUTINEAUTH.


This view (of the SYSIBM.SYSDBAUTH table) contains information about database authorities. Each authority determines a set of actions that can be performed if the authority is granted.


If granted, this authority gives the grantee the ability to perform administrative tasks on the database server. Almost as powerful as the SYSADM authority, the DBADM authority affects a database only — and not an instance.


If granted, this authority gives the grantee the ability to create tables within the ...

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