Book description
The Designer’s Guide to the Cortex-M Microcontrollers gives you an easy-to-understand introduction to the concepts required to develop programs in C with a Cortex-M based microcontroller. The book begins with an overview of the Cortex-M family, giving architectural descriptions supported with practical examples, enabling you to easily develop basic C programs to run on the Cortex-M0/M0+/M3 and M4 and M7. It then examines the more advanced features of the Cortex architecture such as memory protection, operating modes, and dual stack operation.
Once a firm grounding in the Cortex-M processor has been established the book introduces the use of a small footprint RTOS and the CMSIS-DSP library. The book also examines techniques for software testing and code reuse specific to Cortex-M microcontrollers. With this book you will learn: the key differences between the Cortex-M0/M0+/M3 and M4 and M7; how to write C programs to run on Cortex-M based processors; how to make the best use of the CoreSight debug system; the Cortex-M operating modes and memory protection; advanced software techniques that can be used on Cortex-M microcontrollers; how to use a Real Time Operating System with Cortex-M devices; how to optimize DSP code for the Cortex-M4; and how to build real time DSP systems.
- Includes an update to the latest version (5) of MDK-ARM, which introduces the concept of using software device packs and software components
- Includes overviews of the new CMSIS specifications
- Covers developing software with CMSIS-RTOS showing how to use RTOS in a real world design
- Provides a new chapter on the Cortex-M7 architecture covering all the new features
- Includes a new chapter covering test driven development for Cortex-M microcontrollers
- Features a new chapter on creating software components with CMSIS-Pack and device abstraction with CMSIS-Driver
- Features a new chapter providing an overview of the ARMv8-M architecture including the TrustZone hardware security model
Table of contents
- Cover image
- Title page
- Table of Contents
- Copyright
- Dedication
- Foreword
- Preface
- Acknowledgments
- Chapter 1. Introduction to the Cortex-M Processor Family
- Chapter 2. Developing Software for the Cortex-M Family
Chapter 3. Cortex-M Architecture
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Cortex-M Instruction Set
- Programmer’s Model and CPU Registers
- Program Status Register
- Q Bit and Saturated Maths Instructions
- Interrupts and Multicycle Instructions
- Conditional Execution—If Then Blocks
- Exercise 3.1 Saturated Maths and Conditional Execution
- Cortex-M Memory Map and Busses
- Write Buffer
- Memory Barrier Instructions
- System Control Block
- Bit Manipulation
- Exercise 3.2 Bit Banding
- Dedicated Bit Manipulation Instructions
- SysTick Timer
- Nested Vector Interrupt Controller
- Operating Modes
- Interrupt Handling—Entry
- Interrupt Handling—Exit
- Interrupt Handling—Exit Important!
- Exercise 3.3 SysTick Interrupt
- Cortex-M Processor Exceptions
- Priority and Preemption
- Groups and Subgroup
- Runtime Priority Control
- Exception Model
- Exercise 3.3 Working with Multiple Interrupts
- Bootloader Support
- Exercise 3.4 Bootloader
- Power Management
- Moving From the Cortex-M3
- Cortex-M4
- Cortex-M0
- Cortex-M0+
- Conclusion
Chapter 4. Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard
- Abstract
- Introduction
- CMSIS Specifications
- CMSIS-Core
- CMSIS-Driver
- CMSIS-Pack
- Foundations of CMSIS
- Coding Rules
- CMSIS-Core Structure
- Startup Code
- System Code
- Device Header File
- CMSIS-Core Header Files
- Interrupts and Exceptions
- Exercise 4.1 CMSIS and User Code Comparison
- CMSIS-Core CPU Intrinsic Instructions
- Exercise 4.2 Intrinsic Bit Manipulation
- CMSIS-SIMD Intrinsics
- CMSIS-Core Debug Functions
- CMSIS-Core Functions for Corex-M7
- Conclusion
Chapter 5. Advanced Architecture Features
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Cortex Processor Operating Modes
- Exercise 5.1 Stack Configuration
- Supervisor Call
- Exercise 5.2 Supervisor Call
- PEND_SV Exception
- Example Pend_SV
- Interprocessor Events
- Exclusive Access
- Exercise 5.4 Exclusive Access
- Memory Protection Unit
- Configuring the MPU
- Exercise 5.5 MPU Configuration
- MPU Subregions
- MPU Limitations
- AHB Lite Bus Interface
- Conclusion
Chapter 6. Cortex-M7 Processor
- Abstract
- Superscalar Architecture
- Branch Prediction
- Exercise 6.1 Simple Loop
- Bus Structure
- Memory Hierarchy
- Exercise 6.2 Locating Code and Data into the TCM
- Cache Units
- Cache Operation
- Instruction Cache
- Exercise 6.3 Instruction Cache
- Data Cache
- Memory Barriers
- Exercise 6.4 Example Data Cache
- Memory Protection Unit and Cache Configuration
- Cache Policy
- Managing the Data Cache
- Exercise 6.5 Data Cache Configuration
- Double Precision Floating Point Unit
- Functional Safety
- Cortex-M7 Safety Features
- Safety Documentation
- Development Tools
- Conclusion
Chapter 7. Debugging with CoreSight
- Abstract
- Introduction
- CoreSight Hardware
- Debugger Hardware
- CoreSight Debug Architecture
- Exercise 7.1 CoreSight Debug
- Hardware Configuration
- Software Configuration
- Debug Limitations
- Instrumentation Trace
- Exercise 7.2 Setting Up the ITM
- System Control Block Debug Support
- Tracking Faults
- Exercise 7.3 Processor Fault Exceptions
- Instruction Trace with the Embedded Trace Macrocell
- Exercise 7.4 Using the ETM Trace
- Cortex-M0+ MTB
- Exercise 7.5 Micro Trace Buffer
- CMSIS System Viewer Description
- Exercise 7.6 CMSIS-SVD
- Conclusion Debug Features Summary
Chapter 8. Practical DSP for Cortex-M4 and Cortex-M7
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Hardware FPU
- FPU Integration
- FPU Registers
- Cortex-M7 FPU
- Enabling the FPU
- Exceptions and the FPU
- Using the FPU
- Exercise 8.1 Floating Point Unit
- Cortex-M4/M7 DSP and SIMD Instructions
- Exercise 8.2 SIMD Instructions
- Exercise 8.3 Optimizing DSP Algorithms
- The CMSIS-DSP Library
- CMSIS-DSP Library Functions
- Exercise 8.3 Using the CMSIS-DSP Library
- DSP Data Processing Techniques
- Exercise 8.4 FIR Filter with Block Processing
- Fixed Point DSP with Q Numbers
- Exercise 8.5 Fixed Point FFT Transform
- Conclusion
Chapter 9. Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard-Real-Time Operating System
- Abstract
- Introduction
- First Steps with CMSIS-RTOS
- Accessing the CMSIS-RTOS API
- Threads
- Starting the RTOS
- Exercise 9.1 A First CMSIS-RTOS Project
- Creating Threads
- Exercise 9.2 Creating and Managing Threads
- Thread Management and Priority
- Exercise 9.3 Creating and Managing Threads II
- Multiple Instances
- Exercise 9.4 Multiple Thread Instances
- Time Management
- Time Delay
- Waiting for an Event
- Exercise 9.5 Time Management
- Virtual Timers
- Exercise 9.6 Virtual Timer
- Sub-Millisecond Delays
- Idle Demon
- Exercise 9.7 Idle Thread
- Inter-Thread Communication
- Signals
- Exercise 9.8 Signals
- Semaphores
- Exercise 9.9 Semaphore Signaling
- Using Semaphores
- Signaling
- Multiplex
- Exercise 9.10 Multiplex
- Rendezvous
- Exercise 9.11 Rendezvous
- Barrier Turnstile
- Exercise 9.12 Semaphore Barrier
- Semaphore Caveats
- Mutex
- Exercise 9.13 Mutex
- Mutex Caveats
- Data Exchange
- Message Queue
- Exercise 9.14 Message Queue
- Memory Pool
- Exercise 9.15 Memory Pool
- Mail Queue
- Exercise 9.16 Mailbox
- Configuration
- Thread Definition
- Kernel Debug Support
- System Timer Configuration
- Timeslice Configuration
- Scheduling Options
- RTX Source Code
- RTX License
- Conclusion
Chapter 10. RTOS Techniques
- Abstract
- Introduction
- RTOS and Interrupts
- RTOS Interrupt Handling
- Exercise 10.1 RTOS Interrupt Exercise Handling
- User Supervisor Functions
- Exercise 10.2 RTOS and User SVC Exceptions
- Power Management
- Power Management First Steps
- Power Management Strategy
- Watchdog Management
- Integrating ISRs
- Exercise 10.3 Power and Watchdog Management
- Startup Barrier
- Designing for Real Time
- Exercise 10.4 RTX Real Time
- Shouldering the Load, the Direct Memory Access Controller
- Designing for Debug
- Exercise 10.5 Run-Time Diagnostics
- Conclusion
- Chapter 11. Test Driven Development
- Chapter 12. Software Components
- Chapter 13. ARMv8-M
- Appendix
- Index
Product information
- Title: The Designer's Guide to the Cortex-M Processor Family, 2nd Edition
- Author(s):
- Release date: June 2016
- Publisher(s): Newnes
- ISBN: 9780081006344
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