Acceleration, 247

Accommodating, 247, 298299

ACES (assimilate, converge and evolve, shock) model, 6970, 74

Across stakeholders, 93


on business plans, 242

communication, 230

crisis response, 279284

milestones and, 250

for people promoted, 256265

team merging/restarting, 272273

ADEPT process. See also Role match measure; Talent management

context, 189190

guidance, 191192

implementation of, 193194

implications, 202

motivation, 192

steps, 244245

strengths, 192

undermining tactics and, 194195

values, 193

Adjustment land mine, 4849


of boards, 177

controlling, 132

leveraging, 126127

prototypical, 125

shaping, 124

of stakeholders, 45

Announcements. See also Messages

checklist, 269279

formal, 262

onboarding, 298

Aspiration/reality gap, 240241

Assimilation, 247

Assimilation session, 134


goals achievement, 249

importance, 246

levels, 247

Audience. See Target audience

Balance of consequences, 7879

Be, Do, Say, 45

Blame Game, The (Dattner), 5, 75

Body language, 230


establishment, 249

immediate action and, 272273

team merging/restarting, 272

BRAVE (behaviors, relationships, attitudes, values, environment)

business culture, 7172

career plan analysis, 710

change readiness and ability, 7476

culture assessment, 8587

defined, 4

Fuzzy Front End, 95

preferences, 56

tools, 1819

Brevity, 231

Broad-based lack of fit, 61

Burning Imperative

building, 164165

components, 163164

creation, 159161

defined, 160

momentum, 161163

Burning Imperative ...

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