@@optgoal, 170
@@setrowcount, 52
@@tempdb, 372
@@textdataptnid, 52
@@textptnid, 52
absolute extension, 151
abstract plans, 207
evaluating, 195
allrows_dss optimization goal, 169-170
allrows_mix optimization goal, 169
allrows_oltp optimization goal, 168-169, 179-181, 208-209
alter table command, 125-131, 235-236
configuring for semantic partitioning, 62-63
Java and, 11
pre-15 SySAM features, 298
using tempdb in pre-15, 360
XML and, 11
ASE 15,
implementing SySAM in, 312-313
installing, 9
new configuration parameters, 51
new global variables, 52
optimizer, 124
partition ...
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