Chapter 6. Using Trees in Development
C360 applications for neighborhood exploration are the most popular use of distributed graph technology at this time. A C360 example also serves as a great introduction to a plethora of concepts in distributed systems, graph theory, and functional query languages.
But what else is out there?
In the next two chapters, we step beyond understanding neighborhoods of data and apply graph thinking to hierarchical data.
- Hierarchical data
Hierarchical data represents concepts that naturally organize into a nested structure of dependencies.
At the time of writing this chapter, hierarchically structured data is the second most popular shape of data used in distributed graph applications.
Chapter Preview: Navigating Trees, Hierarchical Data, and Cycles
There are five main sections to this chapter.
The first section walks through multiple examples of hierarchical data from real-world scenarios. With a new shape of data comes another flood of terminology; the second section introduces new terms with many examples. The third section of the chapter introduces the problem statement, data, and schema we will use in our examples. With our data, there are two main styles of queries for working with hierarchical data. The fourth section explains the first query pattern: walking from the bottom of the hierarchy to the top. The last section shows the second query pattern: walking from the top of the hierarchy to the bottom.
The final query pattern in the last ...
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