Abdelghany, K.F. 253
Aberdeen Airport 55
Abrate, G. 198
Abu Dhabi Airports Company 231
acceptable means of compliance (AMC) 61, 62
accounting rate of return (ARR) 177
Acharya, A. 355
activity factors 314
additive manufacturing 90
advanced remote tower (ART) 78n4
advertising: airport marketing 223, 227, 228; consumer protection 377, 378, 380; sold by airlines 210; sponsorship 214–216; sustainability and corporate social responsibility 286
Aena Aeropuertos 129
Aer Lingus 24n8, 24n9, 130, 284
AeroSpace and Defence Industries Association of Europe (ASD) 78n2
aerotropolis concept 123, 132, 133
Africa: age of fleet 176; air ...
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