Action items: in meeting agenda, 67

in minutes, 76

Age bias, 17

Agenda, for meetings, 67–68, 70

Agile process, 107

Alcohol, 157

Appearances, 13, 17, 140–141

Assignments, making specific, 107–108, 124, 183

Attendee list, for meeting, 75

Auditory learning style, 49–50, 53

Bad news, avoiding, 9

Balancing act, 2, 6, 163–164, 167–169, 185, 186

Batman, 34

Behavioral interviewing, 79–80

Bias, subtle, 10–18

Blame, avoiding, 122

Body language, 145

Boss: disagreements with, 173–174

managing your, 170–173

Breaks, 107, 168

Burnout, 106–107

Cat metaphor, 4–5, 151

Celebrations, 112–117, 152–153, 183–184

Challenges: as motivator, 36–37

overdoing, 106

Charts, 47, 48, 69

Chocolate, 153–154

Clothing: cultural differences in, 140–141

as subtle bias, 17

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