The Strategy Pathfinder Map
The Strategy Pathfinder is arranged into 11 pathways and a final maverick strategy section. Each pathway focuses on a set of core concepts followed by five “live cases” that readers can use to test their ability to use those concepts. A dashed line around a live case's title square indicates that it focuses on a not-for-profit (NFP) organisation. In addition, efforts have been made to select cases that cover a broad geographic area – see The Strategy Pathfinder World Map on page xiii.
Introduction: Pathways to Strategy
Strategy is about winning → Many paths towards strategy → Why The Strategy Pathfinder is a different kind of strategy textbook
1. Strategic Purpose
Strategic purpose → vision → mission → core values → objectives → strategy statements → the CEO as strategist → principal/agent → agency problem → corporate governance → chain of ownership → external dependent stakeholders → internal dependent stakeholders → non-dependent stakeholders → social influencers → CSR → stakeholder analysis → using management consultants → government influences → power/interest matrix → lobbying
Part I: The Strategic Environment
2. Macro-Shocks
Open systems thinking → bounded rationality → Icarus paradox → determinism → scanning/monitoring/forecasting/assessing ...
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