
No one works alone, especially in show business. I had a lot of help, over many years, getting this book to the page.

I am indebted to my teachers: Joe Bella, John Figola, Scott MacConnell, Robert O’Hearn, Lester Polikov, Peter Politanoff, Don Sobolik, David Steigerwalt, and Peter Wexler. This book is not about an original idea, it is my take on an idea passed down from generations of artists.

My college chums: Leo Hudzik, Chris Klug, Ron Naples, and David Weiss. We walked the halls of academia and the streets of New York, speaking in metaphor.

Jeremy Powell of Nemetschek Vectorworks sent me down the writing path. This work has certainly been informed by my classroom experience. Dean Geoffrey Newman, Professor Michael Allen, ...

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