
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” and “t” indicate figures and tables respectively.

Academic stars, 43
Additional benefits
Bespoke course development, 101
flexible courses, new markets through, 100–101
new customers, developing markets and building relationships, 99–100
Algorithm, 117–118
Analytics system, 119–121
Budget, 78
Business models
Coursera, 90–91
EdX, 91
FutureLearn, 92
revenue generation options, 94–97
accreditation, 94–95
charges for certification, 94
engaging benefits with students, 96–97
fee-paying courses, converting MOOC students to, 95–96
offering accreditation, 94
proctored examinations and summative assessment, 95
Udacity, 90
Business intelligence tool, 118
Cautious experimenters, 69
accreditation, 61–62
activities to date, 58
governance and ...

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