The letter f following a page number denotes a figure.

Accountability, 58, 120

holding oneself accountable, 127

Action steps, creating, 9

Adjusting feedback, 70–71, 76


clarifying, after each project milestone, 40

identifying, 40

Bystanders, 78

Celebration, team

celebrating what you’re learning, 108

deciding what situations to celebrate, 54

identifying situations to celebrate, 53

signaling to your team there’s cause for, 54

what to celebrate as a team, 52–55, 53f

Change. See also Hypotheses (for change)

creating ideas for changes to try, 118

deciding what to change, 116–120

recognizing what cannot be changed, 124–127, 124f

Collaboration (value), 21

Communication, 50–51, 130–133

Confidence votes, 94

creating confidence votes for ...

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