Chapter 2. Angular Is a “Batteries Included” Framework

Developing a nontrivial web application and deploying it in a reliable and consistent fashion can be daunting in terms of the moving parts that are required to accomplish this feat. It was not uncommon at one time for developers to spend hours assembling the pieces they needed just to get the project up and running. Developers not only had to choose what they were going to use in terms of bundling, package management, testing, development servers, test runners, preprocessors, and so on, but depending on the framework, they also had to choose what libraries they were going to use to accomplish core functionality such as performing asynchronous HTTP requests, routing, and more.

Angular streamlines this potential setup and maintenance headache by shipping with all of the basic components that a team needs to immediately get up and running. When a developer generates a new project with the Angular command-line interface (CLI), they not only get a fully functional development environment, but also get to start developing immediately with all of the core pieces needed in place and available.

In this chapter, you’ll learn that Angular is not just a component library; it is a platform of modules that meet the requirements of building modern applications, including routing, fetching data, animations, and service-worker integration with offline caching for building progressive web applications.


Angular ships with a full-featured ...

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