Chapter 13. Implementing IE7 Security Features to Limit Your Exposure
In This Chapter
Discovering how to reduce the risks associated with everyday Web browsing
Looking behind the scenes at IE7
Using the new features of IE7 that require Vista
The release of Internet Explorer 7 (IE7) marks a substantial improvement in Web surfing safety compared with previous versions of IE. A Web browser is the most vulnerable method of exploiting the everyday user. Folks often don't realize the danger inherent with even the most common ways in which we surf the Web or otherwise use IE7. The Web world is plagued with threats: ActiveX controls operating with far too much privilege and access, cross‐domain scripting attacks that can be launched with one simple click, and the ability to initiate remote scripts without the user having a clue about what's going on under the hood. Finally, Microsoft has seriously addressed these risks and more with IE7 and Vista.
This chapter guides you through the new features available in IE7 and provides recommendations to enhance your security without harassing you by asking your permission to do every little thing. The goal of IE7 is to enable you to achieve that balance between protection and productivity.
Configuring IE7 Internet Protected Mode Options
Prior to the release of IE7, the Windows operating system (OS) and the Web browsing functionality of IE were tightly coupled. Those days are gone. Protected Mode
in IE7 employs three new technologies to separate the OS and ...
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