Free-form, 106
Hybrid, 107
Modular, 106
2D shapes, 59
Bezier corner, 59
Bezier curve, 59
Linear, 59
Smooth, 59
3D, 47
Edge, 48
Element, 48
3D creation, 55
Cone, 55
Cube or box, 55
Cylinder, 55
Pyramid, 55
Sphere, 55
3D modeling, 39
3D space, 48
Drawing modes, 53
Freeze, 52
Grids and snaps, 51
Grouping, 53
Hide/unhide, 52
Player perspective, 50
Selecting, 53
Shortcuts and hotkeys, 50
Units of Measurement, 50 Viewports, 48
Additive color model, 79
Alpha channel, creating,184
Art creation, xvii
Artificial intelligence (AI), 2, 26
Artists, xv
Asphalt/base streets, 156
Asset-based optimizations, 2, 5, 20
Asset ...
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