Chapter 18

Performing Local Search


check Determining how to perform a local search on an NP-hard problem

check Working with heuristics and neighboring solutions

check Solving the 2-SAT problem with local search and randomization

check Discovering that you have many tricks to apply to a local search

When dealing with an NP-hard problem, a problem for which no known solution has a running complexity less than exponential (see the NP-completeness theory discussion in Chapter 15), you have a few alternatives worth trying. Based on the idea that NP-class problems require some compromise (such as accepting partial or nonoptimal results), the following options offer a solution to this otherwise intractable problem:

  • Identify special cases under which you can solve the problem efficiently in polynomial time using an exact method or a greedy algorithm. This approach simplifies the problem and limits the number of solution combinations to try.
  • Employ dynamic programming techniques (described in Chapter 16) that improve on brute-force search and reduce the complexity of the problem.
  • Compromise and ...

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