Appendix B


Introductory Works and Graphical Methods

Chambers, J., Cleveland, W., Kleiner, B., and P. Tukey (1983), Graphical Methods for Data Analysis, Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole, Pacific Grove, CA. A very well-written presentation of graphical methods in statistics.

Freedman, D., Pisani, R., Purves R., and A. Adbikari (2007), Statistics, 4th ed., Norton, New York. An excellent introduction to statistical thinking, requiring minimal mathematical background.

Hoaglin, D., Mosteller, F., and J. Tukey (1983), Understanding Robust and Exploratory Data Analysis, John Wiley & Sons, New York. Good discussion and illustration of techniques such as stem-and-leaf displays and box plots.

Tanur, J., et al. (eds.) (1989), Statistics: A Guide to the Unknown, 3rd edition, Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole, Pacific Grove, CA. Contains a collection of short nonmathematical articles describing different applications of statistics.

Tukey, J. (1977), Exploratory Data Analysis, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA. Introduces many new descriptive and analytical methods. Not extremely easy to read.


Hoel, P. G., Port, S. C., and C. J. Stone (1971), Introduction to Probability Theory, Houghton Mifflin, Boston. A well-written and comprehensive treatment of probability theory and the standard discrete and continuous distributions.

Olkin, I., Derman, C., and L. Gleser (1994), Probability Models and Applications, 2nd ed., Macmillan, New York. A comprehensive treatment of probability at a higher mathematical ...

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