6. Put the Pieces Together for a Higher Cause
I love Jamba Juice!
When I'm at a shopping center, at my university, or in an airport, I often find myself waiting in line to order one of their latest concoctions of fruit or veggie smoothies, usually in the extra-large 24-ounce cup. It's so-o-o good.
I'm not the only one who loves Jamba Juice. Founded in 1990, Jamba Juice (the name means "to celebrate" in Swahili) now boasts more than 500 kiosks and small-store locations in 26 states, and net sales of $350 million. Average store sales per year are currently $650,000 and growing. Roughly half of all locations are franchised or partnered with other companies, such as Starbucks, Whole Foods, Safeway, and 24 Hour Fitness. The company is expanding rapidly ...
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