

4 Whats and 5 Whys in management by fact, 244–246


in data collection, 165

in measurement system evaluation, 238–239

Action plans, 15

Adoption of CMMI

myths, 17

process, 15–16

Affinity groups, 134

Affinity matrices, 135–136

Agile Requirements Manual (ARM), 138

Analysis and technical indicators in process improvement, 128

Analyze step in DMAIC

cost and schedule performance improvement, 167–170

goals and generic practices, 197–198

overview, 28–30

product quality improvement, 152–153

questions for, 194–195

Anomalous data patterns, 236

Appraisal data in box plots, 235

Appraisal methods in CMMI, 15

Architecture for Integrated Information ...

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