agenda: client routine example of, 158
discernment of personal hidden, 156
functional, 157
question format sample of, 159
turn “topics” into questions on, 158
typical example of, 157–158
anecdote: humor and use of, 81
storytelling versus, 123–124
apology: common misunderstanding about, 87
humility in, 87
manager scenario of, 86–87
promptness and sincerity of, 86
refusal of, 86
solution-focused in, 88
specific acknowledgment in, 87–88
swiftness of, 87
Asch, Sholem, 135
backward display of information, 142–144
Baldoni, John, 131
Baruch, Bernard, 153
Battista, Orlando A., 97
“been there, done that” syndrome, 61
Belker, L. B., 83
Bennis, Warren, 39
big picture, 6–7, 16, 38, 58, 172
Blockbuster, 61
body language: as communication standard, ...
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