How it works...

Open the project at Chapter03\RECIPE03\NetEncoding.dproj and launch it. In the edit section on the left, write 500 (or another valid ID in your database). Now, the form should look like the following:

Figure 3.4: The image has been downloaded as base64 text from a REST service and then decoded and loaded in the TImage control

Stop the program and see the code under the Get Photo button:

procedure TMainForm.btnGetPhotoClick(Sender: TObject); 
  LHTTP: THTTPClient; 
  LResponse: IHTTPResponse; 
  LPNGStream: TMemoryStream; 
  LPNGImage: TPngImage; 
  LURLFormat: string; 
  LHTTP := THTTPClient.Create; 
  try //create the correct URL LURLFormat ...

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