Deploying it all

As we did for our simple web server, we will begin by creating another Swarm cluster:

$ docker swarm initSwarm initialized: current node (1y1h7rgpxbsfqryvrxa04rvcp) is now a manager.To add a worker to this swarm, run the following command:    docker swarm join \    --token SWMTKN-1-36flmf9vnika6x5mbxx7vf9kldqaw6bq8lxtkeyaj4r5s461ln-aiqlw49iufv3s6po4z2fytos1 \

Then, we need to create our overlay network for the service-discovery hostname resolution to work. You don't need to know much about this other than it creates an isolated network that we will add all the services to:

$ docker network create --driver overlay service_network44cyg4vsitbx81p208vslp0rx

Finally, we will build and launch our containers:

$ cd ../database ...

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