Chapter 10

Tapping into Paid Traffic


check Deciding which digital advertising platform to choose

check Setting up ads that “boomerang” traffic back to your site

check Troubleshooting and optimizing your paid traffic campaign

How do you get traffic to your website? This is the number one question that business owners ask about digital marketing. The truth is that getting traffic to a website is not a problem. In fact, thousands of traffic platforms, including Google, Facebook, and Twitter, allow you to buy advertising and would love nothing more than to send traffic to your website. The question isn’t how to get traffic; rather, it’s what to do with the traffic when you get it. What product or service should you offer? What content should you show your visitors? Should you ask them to give you their contact information or come right out and ask them to buy a product or service?

Paid traffic is available in many forms, such as pay-per-click advertising using platforms like Google Ads, banner ads, and paid ads on social networks that include Facebook and Twitter. Paid traffic is a powerful tool because it helps to build your brand, makes people aware of your products or services, and ...

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