Chapter 13
Ten Fixes for Common Photo Flaws
Adjust under- or overexposed photos
Avoid blurry images
Remove or diminish visual distractions
Straighten and crop photos
Fix color problems
Deal with a few digital defects
When you return from a photo outing, don't be discouraged if you like only a handful of images out of all the frames you shot. A 100 percent good-to-garbage ratio is unrealistic, especially when you're photographing kids, wildlife, or other unpredictable subjects. And don’t be quick to delete flawed photos — you may be able to fix them in a photo-editing program or mobile photo app. Your camera may even have some retouching tools built in. This chapter offers tips to help you avoid common picture problems and covers some tools that help you repair mistakes after the fact.
Discover a Few Easy Exposure Fixes
Autoexposure is a beautiful thing, sparing you ...
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