
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” and “t” refer to figures and tables, respectively.


Access control, 159f
cloud computing, security challenges, 392
leveraging semantic web technologies
DEMONS ontological access control model, 499–502
implementing RBAC, with ontologies, 494–495
online social networks (OSNs), 498–499
ontology-based context awareness, 496–497
overview of, 493–494
state-of-the-art ontological models, 502–503
user preferences, 497–498
XACML attribute model, 495–496
ontological rule, 497–498, 501f
privacy-aware, 493–494
semantic models, 503t
virtual infrastructure setup, 392
Access control lists (ACLs), 425–426
Access control ontology (ACO), 498–499
Acquisition program protection planning, 11f
A3 cross-site scripting, 483

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