

16-bit maps, 188-189

2.5D, 20

32-bit maps, 188-189

3D layers, see layers

3D mode vs. canvas, 20-21

3ds Max,

creating material in, 733-734

generating displacement maps for, 191-193

using displacement maps in, 203-207

using normal maps in, 198-200

8-bit maps, 188-189

action lines, 237

using, 237

adaptive skin, generating, 158-159

Alpha palette, 67-69

alphas, adding to palette, 258

ambient occlusion pass, 270

arbitrary geometry, 197

arbitrary mesh, creating normal map from, 197-198

attractor spheres, 161-163


back story,

for Guardian, 370-371

importance of, 126

base mesh, 48

see also mesh

creating for Door of Secrets, 298-299

creating for Guardian, 165-181, 484-497

creating with ZSpheres, 157-158

base texture, 625

see also textures

applying to Guardian, 628-645

painting ...

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