Chapter NineA Big Thing

When your calling comes calling

At some point, while you’re living and working, seeking and feeling, making, giving and being the fabulous Everyday Creative you were born to be, something might happen.

An unexpected impulse to create something else. A subtle yet pervasive desire to shift your focus onto something big. Something that feels foreign yet familiar. Abstract but alluring.

This is when your calling comes calling.

It might come as a whisper or a bang. It might be cryptic or crystal clear. It might arrive as a startling new insight or re-emerge as a long-forgotten memory. Either way, it’s often hard to explain but difficult to ignore.

Perhaps it’s writing a book or starting a new business. It might be changing careers or changing countries. It could be hosting a week-long event, building an underground movement or standing up and taking bold action on something you believe in.

But it’s as scary as it is seductive. As inspiring as it is inconvenient. As compelling as it is way outside your comfort zone.

What is a calling?

A calling differs from the day-to-day responsibilities of your job. It’s not defined by the demands of your boss, or your family, or your clients. And it’s not something you can achieve in an afternoon or a few weeks.

Your calling is a major project, career or lifestyle change that is personally meaningful to you and requires sustained effort to complete.

A calling insists that you alter the way you live, and restructure ...

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