
Letters ‘f’ and ‘t’ after page numbers indicate figure and table, respectively.

Added value, 2, 18t


aim of, 117

definition, 117

ethical and sustainable, 118t119t

traffic light system, 119120

types, 118f

Bonded labor, 25, 26

Bribery, 84t, 86

Buyer, 8

Category manager, 8

Child labor, 24, 2728, 37, 71, 85t

Collaboration, 17, 88t


blame culture, 102105, 108

blame vs. accountability, 104t

blame vs. feedback culture, 103

conflict resolution, 103104, 105106

distortion, 99

effective, benefits in procurement, 101f

feedback areas, 102t

feedback role in, 100102

forms of, 99, 100t

Conformance, 63, 64t

Consumer needs, factors affecting, 3738

country of origin, 38

end product recyclability, 4445, 7074

environmental ...

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