Affine transformation
decomposing, 116
unit circle inscribed in square, 170
Alternating Bresenham edge-calculator, 350–351
Angles, not uniform, 128–129
Animation, 2 1/2-D depth-of-field simulation, 36–38
combining spatial and temporal, 376–378
edge and bit-mask calculations, 345–354, 586
triangular pixels, 369–373
Apollonius problem, solution, 203–209


Bartlett filter, 13, 15
Beta function, integral form, 150–151
Bézier curves, interpolation using, 133–136
code, 468
implementation, 136
numeric solution, 134
symbolic solution, 134–135
Bézier triangles, conversion to rectangular patches, 256–261, 536
Binary space partitioning tree, 226
ray tracing with, 271–274, 538
black-and-white, compositing, 34–35
scaling ...

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