
act-learn-build model, 101–102, 110

after-action reviews (AARs), 171–176

before-action planning for, 172

before-action reviews (BARs) and, 173

conducting, 172

five ways to use, 175–176

focus on learning from, 174

mini-BARs and AARs, 173–174

selective use when introducing, 172–173

ways to improve, 172–174

agile methodology, 179, 183, 188

planning using, 212–213

test-and-learn approach in, 208

alignment, 199–221

initiative failure and lack of, 50

kill existing initiatives with lack of, 61

as ongoing process, 4–5

Allen, James, 212

Alphabet, 210–211. See also Google

ambassadors handoff model, in innovation projects, 180

approval process, for proposals, 3

asking for reasons behind decision in, 30–31

lack of resources and decision in, 31

naming ...

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