

3DS file format 42


Adobe ImageReady 208-209

alpha channel

PSD file 57, 58


Auto Key 137

Curve Editor 138-139

Dummy objects 146-147

facial 229

IK solver 150

keyframe 136-137

Link Constraint 148-149

loft 222-223

LookAt Constraint 142-143

Noise Controller 144-145

Path Constraint 140-141

random effect 144-145

scene workflow 4

secondary motion 170-171

trackbar 137

Track View 136

Arch & Design material 74-75, 76-77


Editable Mesh/Poly 15-16

splines 37

attenuation 95

Auto Key 137


Backface Cull 110

balcony 28-29

Bevel 37, 44-45

Bias 109

Biped 154-173

binding hands and feet 166-167

copy and paste postures 159

Figure Mode 161

footsteps 164-165

history 172-173

move without animating 159

quadruped 168-169

skinning 156-157 ...

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